Friday, August 24, 2018

Newell Truckstop, Newton Kansas

5:30pm Eastern Time, 6:30pm Central.  93 degrees.  Quite a change from 12 hours ago!

A fuel and shower stop at Newel.  While the Trucker tended the fuel, his Passenger packed the shower bag.  A shoulder tote for her, and a denim laundry bag and hanging shirt for him.

The parked truck was left running and locked, as it would heat up quickly in the sun, and after a shower that has to last for two days, we didn't want to break a sweat waiting for the AC to cool things down again.

The showers in this place were named!  This is new for the Passenger.  We were assigned the

The Trucker is waiting for the day he is assigned

The Kenworth shower!

The shower rooms were not stocked with amenities such as floor mats, hand towels, a hairdryer.  But what they "lacked," was more than made up for by the generous size of the room.  No squeezing past each other, no waiting for space at the counter, etc.  And we carry needed toiletries anyway.  The shower head had a unique fountain shooting off to the side, in addition to the regular spray of water, which by the way, was of such pressure that the showeree had to keep moving so as to not lose any skin.

And there was a bench by the sink for the Trucker to sit upon while waiting for his Passenger's last minute  adjustments.

Per instructions, the shower room key and the towels were carried back out to the service desk, a receipt was obtained, and we were on our way.  Less than an hour for all.  

Down the road and down the road we go, just like the brown bunny in the Little Golden Book of old.  Route 50 in Kansas, looking into the setting sun.

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