Monday, July 9, 2018

The Trucker's Birthday

A birthday is special.  A time to recognize a special person for who they are.  A time for that special person to do things HE enjoys, for a change.  

The day began with the Trucker taking truck and trailer to the mechanic for a routine checkup.

Then to the local buffet with the Passenger for breakfast.  And what a breakfast that was.  The Passenger didn't need to cook lunch, and dinner was later that day as well.  

As it was one of those rare days when the Trucker is at home and the truck is not, it could have been a relaxing, lazy day.

Instead, the trucker sorted out a pickup load of metal parts and pieces from the garage, and hauled it to the local recycling center.

From there, he drove the the local home repair store.  Returning home, he commenced sawing and hammering and in general arousing the curiosity of his other half.

The result?

A pegboard on the one open wall in the garage!   A dream come true!  So fun to empty crates and shelves and corners and organize their tumbled contents on the wall.  And we are not done.  There is more space on the pegboard, and more items to hang, more shelves to unclutter.  A dream come true for the Passenger, who loves organization and tidiness.

And those gas cans on the shelf in the background?  He filled those too.  No worries about running short of gas in the middle of a mowing project.

Maybe a little thing for him, but a big one for the Passenger.  Maybe she can come up with something to do for him on HER special day.....

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