Sunday, January 5, 2020

Stepping Out in Faith

Thinking of the apostle Peter today. He was totally sold out to Christ, and Christ was crucified. But he waited, and accepted the gift of the Holy Spirit. That day at the temple in Acts 3, he had no proof the lame man would be healed. But he spoke out in faith. 

What could he lose? Only his life.

When the curious crowd gathered, Peter again stepped out in faith, seized the opportunity to explain. But the explanation required calling out their sin. That took courage. 

Again, what could he lose? Only his life. 

After all, the Christ of Whom he spoke was crucified.

And those who yelled "Crucify Him," may well have been in the crowd on Solomon's porch, "greatly wondering."

I am challenged not to base my actions on the anticipated reaction of the "crowd", or on the security of knowing what will happen. Instead, my actions must be grounded in the One Who controls all things. My security must be in Him alone. 

What can I lose? Only my life.


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