Monday, August 27, 2018

On the Los Angeles Freeway

What happens when the Trucker allows the "x" number of feet ahead needed to stop his rig on the LA freeway, and a little black car ducks by his bumper without warning and appropriates those feet for itself?
Nothing, this time, thanks to an alert Trucker and good brakes.
A little bit of rubber sacrificed from the tires, and a little black car totally oblivious to how close it came to receiving a remodel job at best, annihilation at worst.
Truck driving appears easy? Just sitting down on the job all day? Ride with the trucker a while, and I'll ask you again.
And in the time it took to type this, happened another time....big white GMC this time...

And comments from friends:

Sometimes it may be best the car in front cannot hear the thoughts from behind.... Good going, trucker man!

Daryl in the truck in the past years weren’t always the most Christ like. But seriously in the interest of safety I really wish every young person getting a drivers license would be required to ride along with an experienced CDL driver for a week. It would help them understand how to better share the road.

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