Monday, March 12, 2018

Seek the LORD While He May Be Found

March 12, 2018

It was early, 5:30AM local time on I-5 in California.  The Trucker and Passenger were enroute to the Costco warehouse in Tracy, California with ten skids of canned mushrooms.  Darkness blotted out surroundings, but for the red tail lights ahead, and the white headlights in the opposing lanes.  On distant hills, rows of red lights flashed in unison every few seconds.  The wind turbines at work.  In the black sky, a distinct crescent moon hung low, now partially obscured by lacy clouds, now completely in view.  The quiet peacefulness, the beauty, cannot properly be captured by word or photo, but only by the senses.

Traffic was light, by California standards.  Though were the Passenger at the wheel, she would have preferred less.  As if at a signal, on ramps filled with vehicles of all kinds, flowing onto the freeway.  Cars, pickups, trucks.  Flowing, swirling, changing lanes with smooth precision.  The morning rush hour has begun.  

The forty mile trek between truckstop and warehouse, owing to rush hour traffic, was spent with as much time devoted to the last five miles as the first thirty-five.  Inching along behind another trailer, the Passenger no longer can absorb the scenery.  Instead she becomes aware of the words printed on the rear doors.

Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.  Isaiah 55:6

Not the usual message found on a vehicle on the California freeways.  But thought provoking.

The Hebrew for Seek carries the meaning of pursuing, to look for, to ask, to worship.  Call has the idea of calling out, attracting attention.  While He may be found means to come out, to appear, to be present.

How often do I go through the motions of life, one step at a time, and take God's presence, His care, His desire for a relationship with His people, for granted?  God is not limited.  In any way.  He can even use the rear doors of a semi trailer to prompt a conversation with Him.  But it is our decision when to call out, to ask for His attention.  He does not force Himself upon us, but allows us to reach for Him when whenever we wish.  The unspoken promise is that when we call, He will be found available.

The Trucker changed lanes, and exited onto Route I-205.  The trailer wearing scripture continued on, Lord willing, to bear witness of Himself to others this day.

The verse was on the left center.  Enlarging the photo blurred 
the words.

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