Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Singer

Opened up a faithful friend today that, with two brief interludes, has been closed and waiting quietly for decades. A fun experience for all but the overstuffed feline who is accustomed to sleeping atop it when no one is looking...
Back in the 1920's my Dear Grandma and her mother, affectionately called Mammie, had the option of "electrifying" their treadle Singers. Great-grandma did, but Grandma liked action where it could be found, and preferred to treadle. Years later, she did acquire an electric "machine" which served her faithfully through thousands of quilt tops til she retired from quilt making in her 90's.
The brief respites? The first in 1992, when a sewing machine was not in our budget, I stitched hopes and dreams into the seams of my maternity clothing on the old treadle Singer.
Then my mother-in-law gifted me with a sturdy, vintage Pfaff which fashioned clothing and bedding for our growing family, while DD#1 created doll clothes on the old Singer. (I found some still in the drawers and was amazed again at her skill with the tiny pieces! Hope you do this again someday!)
Now that Pfaff is beyond repair, and replaced by a portable. And this morning the old Singer is again humming. If it could only speak....

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