Friday, March 26, 2021

In the Grocery Store

In the grocery store this morning, I witnessed a lady verbally assaulting a young man because he was mask-less. He stood quietly under the barrage of accusations ("Obviously you do not care about anyone but yourself, etc.") and when she stalked off, muttering, he calmly resumed shopping. Later, we met in the bulk aisle. I expressed my appreciation to him for standing by his convictions, yet not arguing, which would have escalated her intensity.
He responded, "Something rose up in me that wanted to defend myself, or at least try to explain. But I knew it would be wrong, so I didn't. And I knew that she didn't want to hear what I had to say. To her, only her opinion counted." Most insightful.
He added, "I trust God for my health and safety and refuse to live in fear. God created my body to handle germs."
His calm assurance encouraged me. This is not about who is right or wrong. Not about the issues at all. But it IS about the freedom we still (hopefully) have to think independently and live according to our convictions.
Somehow in the last year, arms that used to reach out to embrace and include, now stretch out to push away. What matters now is "me", not "you". Our verbal swords are sharpened and ready to slash wounds in those who do not share our opinions but prefer to develop their own.
Somehow I cannot think that the One who moved freely among the sick and the diseased and the dying, would now don a mask and social distance. He put others before Himself, and was crucified for His efforts. That sets the bar rather high for us, don't you think?

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