Monday, May 18, 2020

Muffled Thud VS Casting All My Cares

It was a day of ins and outs.  Now evening had come.  Time to stay in and wind up the loose ends.

I had just concocted a casserole for the next day's meal, and washed all accumulated dishes and utensils, when a call came from DS#2.  In the midst of moving from a third floor abode to a house, he'd been on the move, so to speak.  Now finding himself situated in the house, with all his food remaining at the apartment, would I have anything to offer?

Always.  With the Trucker California bound, and motivation lacking, not much variety.  The casserole was popped into the oven, and freshly picked strawberries were washed for the occasion.  Time was, when a dash to the garden and a reach into the fridge would have provided a full meal, but not anymore.

He feasted on the food, I on the conversation.

During a quiet spot in our time together, a muffled thud sounded from nether regions of the refrigerator.  Upon investigation, an item that had waited a few months past the expected date of use was found to have blown its top.

Perfect timing.  An accessory to the meal was now in place, as the oven was still hot.

Guess it's time to stop minding everyone else's business and mind my own for a while.  Or,
I'm still going through cooking-for-a-crowd withdrawal.  Or, 
It's time to clean out the fridge.  Or,
The Trucker's diet is proving successful.  Or,
All of the above.

But any way you look at it, here is a visual of what happens when pressure is not released in a timely and appropriate manner.  In this case the situation was remedied deliciously.

But the rant inflicted upon a loved one a few days back, not so much.  That was a thud, and not a delicious one.

I find myself convicted of holding onto cares rather than casting them upon the One who cares for me.  And who is far better equipped to carry them.  Releasing the pressure in a timely way - so hard to do, but so much better.

Biscuits and gravy coming up next time the Trucker's in town!

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