Saturday, March 28, 2020

COVID-19 Rant

Anyone else out there weary of COVID-19? Every organization even remotely connected to me, or not at all, seems duty-bound to inform me of what THEY are doing to manage this virus. It has become a sales tactic of sorts.
Every news story trumpets numbers, warnings, dire predictions. It has become more political than medical. Then there is the economic side. Will there be an economy left when this is over? How will I live without an income?
And the legal side. If I break a stay-at-home order, will it result in fines or jail time? Does the government really have the right to close businesses, or forbid us to peacefully assemble? The temptation is to focus on what I perceive as my rights.
Can you stand yet another take on the subject? Allow me.
It doesn't matter what I think, what I want, even what I need, right now. What DOES matter? I am a child of God, and those around me know it.
Therefore, what does it say to those around me when I intentionally disregard the current health restrictions? When those who look to me as a role model, see me disrespect their potential health and well being? They will then either feel disrespected, or choose to also disregard restrictions. My actions have a ripple effect.
Is it really that big a deal to stay home? I have a home, stocked with all I need. Many don't. And God is waiting for me to spend time with Him, why not now?
How about making a conscious effort to cough and sneeze into a tissue or elbow instead of my hands? And wash my hands regularly? It's only good hygiene ANYTIME but especially now.
So, will it kill me to show a bit of respect for those around me, and be a good example? It's what I've always intended to do anyway, isn't it? If I claim to be pro-life, even the remote possibility that I may harm someone else should be considered, not?
Scripture instructs us to "Obey them that rule over you". I haven't found a COVID-19 restriction yet that would require us to violate Scripture. (We STILL have far more freedoms than most in the world! And more options for communication.) The current situation is not forever, and there are lessons to learn along the way that my generation and those younger need to know. This too shall pass.
OK, end of rant.

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