Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mr. Snake Pays a Visit

The Trucker and his erstwhile Passenger have had a small home improvement project going on lately.  Her parents, due to a remodel project, were disposing of a set of kitchen cabinets.

Knowing it had been her dream for many years, the Trucker offered to install the sink and surrounding cabinets in their finished basement.  No one lives down there now, but maybe someday.  And it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

DS#1 obtained a free pump, and brought it and his plumbing skills.  The Trucker managed the electrical work.  Slowly, and only flipped the breaker once.

Today was the first large block of time the Passenger had to tidy up and clean the finished project.  She loaded her arms with supplies, and headed downstairs.

As her foot was reaching for the floor below the bottom step, she glanced down.  

And saw this:

Apologies for the blurry photo.  Her hands may or may not have been shaking.  She's not afraid of snakes, really, but they move quickly, and she didn't quite want to be wondering where he would show up next.

Rather lethargic, he seemed, and offered no resistance to being swept into an empty trash can.  She carried the can outside, and set it down to take another photo.  

And texted it to a friend.  "I had a moment of aerobic exercise today!"

Her response, "He's cute!  Is that his best side?"  She's not rattled by much, is she?

Conveying the snake via trash can out to the woodpile, she dumped it, intending another photo, with a steadier hand this time.  But when Mr. Snake hit the ground, he was inspired. He shot into that wood pile and disappeared instantly.

Oh well.

Shortly thereafter, the Trucker, who quite literally has a song for every event or mood, texted her lyrics from Tom T. Hall.

Sneaky Snake
Boys and girls take warning
If you go near the lake
Keep your eyes wide open
And look for sneaky snake
Now, maybe you won't see him
And maybe you won't hear
But he'll sneak up behind you
And drink all your root beer
And then sneak snake goes dancing
Wiggling and a-hissing
Sneaky snake goes dancing
A-giggling and a-kissing
I don't like old sneaky snake
He laughs too much you see
When he goes wiggling through the grass
It tickles his underneath
Well sneaky snake drinks root beer
And he just makes me sick
When he is not dancing
He looks just like stick
Now he doesn't have any arms or legs
You cannot see his ears
And while
Source: LyricFind
On second thought, maybe I should have kept Mr. Snake in my care for a while.  In about a week, I may have had use for him!

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