Friday, September 7, 2018

Mr. Toadly

Mr. Toadly was discovered in my garden today, by the Niece.

He blended in quite nicely.

I had seen  him a few times before, once so close that I was afraid El Toro may have annihilated him.  But after a few merry chases, or shall we say hops?...not so merry on his part, we had him in a bin.  He then resigned himself to his fate, and the Niece was able to pick him up for a closer examination.

He looked rather perturbed.

He strongly resisted being up-ended.  Can't blame him for that!

She said his skin felt rather like ours.  I wouldn't know.  Hey, I was busy holding the camera!  His legs were amazingly long and thin for his plump body.  

But he was obviously terrified, and it was a hot day.  So back to the garden he went.

Can you see him?

And then it was back into the house for a cool drink and to google garden toads.  And all the varieties, to see who our hoppy friend really was.  And research the differences between frogs and toads.  And print out some photos for her to take home, and email the photos and video to Grandma so Mom could run down and see them too.

Now she is home, Mr. Toadly is home, and so am I.  Except that my house has a week's worth of ironing and cleaning to be done.  

No matter.  Mr. Toadly was a nice diversion, and the Trucker will return at midnight, Lord willing and the traffic don't rise!

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