Saturday, May 26, 2018

My Two Sons

It had been a week we would definitely not have chosen.  Truck troubles and costly delays in Idaho.  Issues at home we hadn't planned on. This gal was nearly at the end.

The morning was spent helping a friend with her mammoth weeding task.  Yes, mine were being ignored, but it's always more fun to do someone else's than your own.

She gave me a precious gift, allowing me to enter her world for a short morning and forget my own.

Back at home, and on the mower.  This is a time when I can talk to God.  No one else hears or sees.  The sun was shining, puffy clouds overhead.  Fields on three sides were full of aromatic drying alfalfa.  Horsepower, on large bouncy tires and on steel wheels, roared around me bringing in the harvest.  Hills were green, flowers were blooming.  The view would almost rival the Trucker's recent photos of Montana.

So why the tears?  With all the beauty and abundance around me?

"Lord, I am so tired.  I'm a sweaty, sunburned, grass stained, tear streaked mess.  My muscles ache, but all that would be a good thing, were it not for the hurt in my heart.  We have waited so long, tried so hard, and still no change.  Every time we dare hope we are crushed again.  Please Lord, show yourself once more.  Help us carry this burden."

In addition to the emotional pain, two practical things weighed on me:  despite my best efforts, a shaggy-around-the-edges lawn and property.  It needed a strong dose of weed whacking, but yours truly doesn't have a big enough jerk to start the whacker.  And a septic malfunction was backing up into the tub every time water was used in the house.

"Lord, I am inadequate for these issues.  I would like to fix them, but I can't.  I want to be the Trucker's help-meet, but I am not "meet" for these.  The Trucker has been gone for ten days.  He is coming home exhausted in body, mind, and soul.  I feel so badly hitting him with these.  Please give him just a little more strength??"  It seemed God was silent, but He already had my answer prepared, just in a different way than I expected.

Mowing completed.  Back in the house for a drink.  A car door slams.  Boots were heard in the laundry room.  Son number two?? Off work so soon?  

"Hi mom!  I went in early this morning, so I am off early and can do your weed whacking."  And while I  planted corn in the garden, he proceeded to do just that, and was gone before I could properly thank him for getting up early and doing this for me.  He didn't need a crying mama anyway.  

On to the next task, long overdue pruning of the lilac bushes.  Wrestling with obstreperous vines, being jabbed by dead sticks, I finally emerged from behind a bush to find - Son #1???  Where did you come from??

"Oh, I was working near Philadelphia today, and decided to stop in on my way home!"  We chatted over cold meadow tea, and he showed photos of his current job, a high end bathroom construction/remodel.  Wow wow.  His ability impresses me more than the snazzy bathroom.  And speaking of bathtubs...I laughingly told him of his brother giving me a "Three Bears Moment" earlier in the week, and the cause of it.

Immediately he was on his feet, striding to said bathtub.  Within a half hour, the problem was diagnosed, and repaired.  Then, like the Sneetches' Sylvester McMonkey McBean, 

The Fix-it-up-Chappie packed up, and he went.

I don't know if

he laughed as he drove, 

but this mama went on to the next thing (a shower!) with a lighter heart, even though tears - of thankfulness - were on her cheeks.  As Miss Clara prayed in War Room,

"You've done it again, Lord, You've done it again.
You're a good, good, God.  Praise you Jesus!"

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